
Delivery times


2-4 business days

Europe (EU)

5-8 business days

Canada, United States

10-16 business days

Delivery terms


We deliver free of charge within Germany!

Returns within Germany are also free of charge!

Other European countries*

We deliver free of charge within Europe.

The customer bears the costs for returns.

Canada, United States

There is a shipping fee of 30 Euro for the delivery.

The customer bears the costs for returns.


When shipping to non-EU countries , additional taxes or costs (e.g. customs duties and import sales tax) may be incurred as part of the order. The customer pays directly to the responsible customs office, or tax authorities. Detailed information is provided by the responsible authorities.

* We do not deliver directly to some countries (e.g. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland). Here you can easily order directly from our local partners :

The delivery is usually with UPS or DHL package.



The prices mentioned include the statutory value-added tax.

For deliveries outside the EU, the stated prices are net prices.


Returns outside the EU

You can return your item within 30 days of receipt. Please make your return shipment at your own expense to:

Brands Logistics Ltd.
Müllerstrasse 11
21244 Buchholz idN

We recommend to send returns insured. However, the costs for the return shipment will not be refunded. Please be sure to include the completed return slip. As soon as we have received the return, we will arrange for the refund. The return shipment, checking the goods and the refund can take up to 2 weeks.

Please also fill out the form (Formula CN 23) so that the items pass through customs cleanly.
Please declare the shipment as "Returned goods" and attach the invoice to the outside of the package in a clear envelope, visible from the outside, then the goods will not be customs cleared again.

We also recommend attaching two copies of the original purchase invoice to the outside of the shipping box (use a clear delivery note pocket). This way, customs in the destination country will recognize that it is a return.


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